The Role of Music in Our Society
Listening to music is one of the most enigmatic behaviours. Why people listen to music?—what is its impact on them?—what is the role of music in society today?
There is psychological effect of music –listening to music effect your mood, productivity and even intelligence. People use music as an alternative of yoga to relax their mind. Music is also used to convey a message in an effective way. On average people spend about three to four hours listening to music. Listening to music make people more enthusiastic, romantic and emotional –it depends on the type of music one is listening. Music plays a vital role in the society, as your social-behavior is very much effected by the type of music you are listening to –a person who listen to rock music seems to be tough in attitude –a person who listen to soft music is will be gentle and soft in his dealings, a person who listen romantic songs will be more romantic and so as the others genres have their certain type of effects.
Besides this music is used as a healing source, for treatment of the patients of cancer, depression –to give them a hope of living. Not only listening music effect people but also creating music effects, creating music increases the IQ level. Not everyone can create music it is one of the most difficult things. Music is magic –not only humans are the ones who are very much effected by it but also birds animals and every living thing responds to music. Music also effect negatively if one listens to bad kind of music. A good music with lyrics is the best tool by which we can make our society like heaven where everything is perfect. A society without music is just like a body without soul!
Music has is an important part of our everyday lives. We not only listen to music, we make it. Most of us had music lessons in school or private piano lessons, or sung in the church choir, played in the school marching band or the school orchestra. As music has a great impact on our lives it in turn plays a powerful role in society.
There is a close relationship between music and society. Music mirrors social conditions—including aspects that either enable or obstruct social change. Music is also influential in society since it allows communication beyond words and fosters the advance and preservation of cultural and national identities.
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Listening to music is one of the most enigmatic behaviours. Why people listen to music?—what is its impact on them?—what is the role of music in society today?
Silver Metronome, Every time
Nowadays, most people have access to music 24 hours a day, every day, at the touch of a button. This easy availability to music encourages people to use it to enhance the quality of their lives. It can change their moods, reduce stress, stop boredom while performing tedious or repetitive tasks. It can also make their surroundings appropriate for social occasions such as a romantic dinner, partying, a get together with friends, a celebration or holiday.
Music also plays a significant part in human development. Early interactions between mother and child have a basic musical quality. This helps infants develop communication skills. As a child grows, music may boost their confidence and social skills.
Music even influences society as far as the purchasing behavior of consumers. Marketing jingles and advertisements with songs help us recall product names and increases our desire for the product through its association with music we like.
To understand how and in what circumstances music enhances our lives and therefore society, we have to look at individual experiences. Music effects a broad range of human functions, it can stimulate various reactions in mood, movement, intellect and behavior. This makes it hard to know what particular effects any specific piece of music on may have on an individual. We have to take account of such factors such as their culture and their characteristics like gender and age. We also need to consider any prior musical experiences they’ve had, if they selected the music, and how important music is in their life.
We also need more studies on the impact music has on groups of people in public places and social settings. To figure out what music is best for standing in long lines, for emergencies when everyone needs to exit in an orderly fashion, and situations that often cause mob behavior or disorder.
There has never been a stronger appreciation of music or a stronger interest in discovering more about the power it has. As we can see, there are many ways music impacts and benefits society and makes a difference in our lives.
It is with this in mind that Εuangelion seeks to use his gift of music to inspire his fans.
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